Tag Archives: Muscles

Hello Leg Muscles!

What I find most frustrating about doing my long Saturday workouts is that they aren’t cumulative. Every Saturday, I get up and get on a bike and have to start all over again. No matter how far I have been swimming, biking, or running, I start from scratch. My workouts during the week didn’t even allow me to start at mile 3 or mile 5 and there is so far to go. Every week. So far.

After taking Thursday and Friday off last week, which lead me to drown my guilt in a giant piece of carrot cake (It’s good for you because it has carrots in it) I headed to an 8am cycling class at the gym on Saturday. In the mirror at the cycling studio, I found leg muscles. My leg muscles.

Apparently all this training is cumulative in some way. I’ve got muscles now! Ones that you can see when I riding a bike! I also felt so fresh after taking two days off that after my cycling class, I ran 5.5 miles. Maybe I’m going to be able to do this after all…